Sunday 18 February 2018

Uniquely Horsham cuisine

Was stopped in the street today by a woman with an accent, possibly Canadian, and asked to explain this sign. 
It wasn't the word 'Yabby', it was 'Flories'.
The Florie (sometimes with a double r or y – florry) is a steak topped with a slice of ham and cheese, crumbed and fried then served in a sandwich with salad or coleslaw. Horsham is recognised as the birthplace of this delicacy, which was invented by Pasquale (Pat) Neri. 
Photo from Lost Horsham's Facebook page
Pat & Rosaria Neri migrated to Horsham from Italy (actually an island off Sicily) in 1956, and ran firstly the Niagara Café in Firebrace Street (now the Wimmera Foot Clinic building) and later La Fontana Restaurant (now the Horsham Sports & Community Club) in Baillie Street. Pat died in 2015.
La Fontana advert, with possibly Chef Robert Pitt (Lost Horsham)
So to an actual florie ...
A steak florie

Sunday 4 February 2018

Find the story, not just the person

Now we no longer have to think what the letters A.I.G.S. stand for. The Australian Institute for Genealogical Studies has changed its name to 'Family History Connections...tracing ancestors in Australia and beyond' and launched a new look website,
 with a great tag-line "Find the story, not just the person"
Their Press release states: "We are still the same organisation with the same objectives and deep commitment to assist members and the wider community in their search for their ancestors in Australia and overseas".
Their extensive library is still located at Unit 1 / 41 Railway Road, Blackburn in Melbourne, where library volunteers can assist members & visitors with their family history research.

Interest Groups (see the list of groups below) have been established to enable members who are researching their families in a particular area, to assist each other with their research and to share their mutual successes and difficulties. 

You can also follow them on their Facebook page which utilises the old logo that everyone is familar with, and details all sorts of news items.
So you can access their website from home, or if in Melbourne check them out in Blackburn, they may have that difficult to find item you've been searching for.