Sunday 20 December 2015

The R.F.C. family

It is not that often that we get excited about donated books published to commemorate business/organisational histories. Usually we receive multiple copies of expensive looking hard-bound books full of facts and figures.
 This is an exception – “Just like family : a history of Victoria's Rural Finance Corporation” by Adam McNicol and Andrew Chapman, is a coffee-table book in the tradition of Andrew’s other titles (Woolsheds, Working dogs, & The long paddock).
It is the history of the Rural Finance Corporation, how the organisation - that began life as the Soldier Settlement Commission - grew to become a billion-dollar backer of Victorian agriculture, while fostering family-like ties between its staff and clients.
Adam has endeavoured to make the book personable with stories from farming families in different regions across Victoria.
Abandoned truck, Chinkapook (A.Chapman)
The Rural Finance’s history ended last year, when Bendigo Bank purchased the assets/business of the Corporation & essentially the Government, terminating its role as the ‘farmers’ financier’.
The Soldier Settlement Commission began in 1945 to oversee the WW2 Soldier Settlement Scheme (the WW1 scheme had been administered by the Lands Department and culminated with the majority of farmers walking off the land and ultimately a Royal Commission). The Rural Finance Commission was tasked with learning from the previous scheme and not repeating the same mistakes.
There are emotive stories from families coupled with photographs, like the Tucker family from the Mooramong Soldier Settler Estate, near Skipton. Like many families their life on the farm began in the single-room hut/garage, prior to the soldier-settler-style house being erected.
The temporary 30' x 15' housing (A. Chapman)
There is a section on particular schemes, like Robinvale's irrigation blocks, and the Heytesbury Project – the clearing of about 100,000 acres of forest in the Otways for dairy farming.
Henry Bolte at the official opening of the Heytesbury Settlement, 1959 (RFC)
 The book details Rural Finance's role through fires, droughts, floods & governments.
A Mallee farm in the 1982-83 drought (RFC)
The facts and figures and charts have been kept to a minimum, which is a feat when you're talking about finance, replaced by carefully chosen photographs, so well done Adam & Andrew.

Monday 23 November 2015

Honour inductee

New hot off the presses, or straight from the website of the Department of the Premier & Cabinet.
Local Wotjobaluk Elder Aunty Nancy Harrison has been inducted to the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll. Aunty Nancy joins other Wimmera inductees - Lester Marks, Johnny Mullagh and Kevin Coombs.Her great-great-grandfather was King Richard who helped track the lost Duff children.
Aunty Nancy at the launch of the Honour Roll at Horsham, 2015
Aunty Nancy was born in Horsham in 1941 and grew up with her 7 brothers and sisters on the Reserve at Antwerp . The children attended the Antwerp State School, till the family moved to Burrumbeet near Ballarat, when Nancy then attended the Ballarat West High School. She worked in the Ballarat offices of the Royal Insurance Company, then the SEC (State Electricity Commission) in accounting & secretarial roles. In the 1950s joined the Department of Defence with the RAAF then the Army tilll she retired.

In 2003 Nancy returned to her traditional home at Dimboola and became involved in the Native Title negotiations for parts of the Little Desert & Wyperfeld lands, culminating with its recognition in 2005.
In the community Nancy has volunteered her time and talents to school children talking on cultural language, history and heritage. She has been involved in archaeological digs at Ebenezer. Nancy was an Ambassador for the Library during the International Year of Reading in 2012. She also worked on the Possum Skin Cloak Project (the cloak represented stories of the traditional owners, past & present).
 So congratulations Aunty Nancy Harrrison - Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll inductee for 2015. 

<< Aunty Nancy in the possum cloak delivering the Welcome to Country speech at the Library's 'Footprints' display in Dimboola 

Thursday 19 November 2015

From Horsham to see the King

At the National Archives of Australia in Canberra, to view the “Life interrupted -Gallipoli Moments : stories of our soldiers at Gallipoli – in their own words".
The exhibition allowed you to embark on a journey with the soldiers at Gallipoli. From the excitement of enlisting, to the reality and terror of battle. Original diaries, photos and personal letters, give a glimpse of the Gallipoli campaign through the eyes, and in the words, of those who were there.
The material from the State Library of New South Wales reveals captivating personal experiences of servicemen and nurses. Service records from the National Archives remind us that everyone was a volunteer, and they came from all walks of life to serve their country. 
King's Threatre poster (NAA exhibition)
Amongst all the photos and extracts was a threate poster >> and staring out from it was the word Horsham.
One of the members of the Anzac Coves was J.Davey a baritone from Horsham, Vic.
Jack Leslie Davey was a member of the Hospital Transport Corps from May 1915 to September 1918. He embarked on 17 July 1915 on the HMAT Orsova from Melbourne. Aged 24 he had been a storekeeper, his father John lived in Baillie Street in Horsham.
The “Anzac Coves” was an Australian Pierrot entertainment troupe, consisting entirely of soldiers. Established after the Gallipoli Campaign, they performed in many places on the Western Front – in barns and sheds, often just behind the trenches.
With a lively sense of humour, the troupe satirised military life. The Coves were so popular they toured Britain in 1918.
The Coves had played in the King's, Court and Ambassadors theatres, and at Buckingham Palace before the King and Queen and the Prince of Wales.
An informal photo of the troupe in uniform (NAA exhibition)
Below is a studio group portrait photograph of the troupe taken in London, from April 1918 "'The Anzac Coves', 1st Australian Headquarters Pierrot Troupe. Direct from the firing line ‘Somewhere in France’”. This concert party was to perform from 29 April 1918 at King's Theatre, Hammersmith, with proceeds to go to the Australian Repatriation Fund for Discharged Soldiers.

Third row, left to right: unidentified; unidentified; Harry Ross (tenor); unidentified; 7461 Private (Pte) Benjamin Joseph Davies (second tenor); unidentified. Second row: 6313 Pte Frank Harold Crossley (comedian and raconteur); 4027 Driver Frank James Donovan (pianist); 1992 Lance Corporal Harold Frederick Shaw (comedian); 9619 Pte Ralph Lyn Sawyer (female impersonator and dancer); probably 9129 Staff Sergeant Rannall Carlsile (manager); A Roberts (comedian); 1955 Pte Hugh Gannon (ragtime and light comedian); 264 Sergeant Jack Leslie Davey (baritone). Front row: Fred Reade (light comedian and dancer); J Gibb (monologist); 2664 Pte Leslie Herbert Williams (bass). Also identified is W J Smith (mechanic) position unknown.
Biographical information on Jack Davey from "Strewth" -  Jack was a draper, who had lived all his life in Horsham, with previous military experience with the Horsham Cadets. In November 1916 Jack was sent to France and attached to the 7th Field Ambulance. In January 1917 he was detached to the Theatre Corps. He returned to Australia in May 1919. He married Mary Stoddart Fenton. Jack had an excellent singing voice and frequently performed in Australia. Jack died in Hamilton in 1970.
This photograph was part of "Our boys at the Front" series of postcards, no. 19. From a set of official photographs by special permission of the Department of Defence, proceeds from sales went to the Australian Comforts Fund. It was taken on 23 November 1917 from an unknown Australian Official Photographer, taken in Nord Pas de Calais, Nord, Steenwerck, France. It was titled - 'Anzac Coves' Concert Party in a theatre erected in a French village. Identified left to right, standing: (Pte) Reade; (Pte) Ross; (Pte) Gibb; Gunner Williams; (Sgt) Davey; (LCpl) Crossley. Sitting: (LCpl) Shaw; (Pt)e Roberts; (Sgt) Cannon; (Driver) Donovan (at the piano).

Thursday 15 October 2015

Searching for ancestors

The culmination of 'History is a story' month, will be the "Searching for Ancestors : family history seminar" which is a unique opportunity to have renowned presenters speaking to local audiences.
The seminar will provide practical information and guidance to use in your current or future family history and local history projects.

The presenters are:
Eric Kopittke has been researching his family history in Australia, Germany, England and Wales since 1985. Eric joined the Queensland Family History Society in 1985, and has been convenor of its Central European Group for over 20 years. He is also President of the Baptist Historical Society of Queensland.
Academically, he studied at the University of Queensland where he was awarded a Bachelor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), a Bachelor of Arts (Geography and Computer Science) and a Diploma of Education. He recently retired from teaching Physics and Mathematics at St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly.
Eric regularly speaks at family history societies and at other events as his teaching commitments allow. 
At the ‘Searching for Ancestors family history seminar’ Eric will be presenting:

Emigration from Germany to Australia - How to use records from Australia and elsewhere to determine your German ancestor’s place of origin, and an overview of the Hamburg Emigration lists – direct and indirect – why these are useful for researching your European ancestors.
Researching German civil & church records - Prior to the introduction of civil registration, church records provided details of baptisms, marriages and burials. German records often give far more detail than their English equivalents. Discover how to locate and use German civil registration records, unlike Australian and British records, German civil registration was not centrally located nor did all regions begin at the same time.

Rosemary Kopittke has been researching her families in Australia, England and Scotland since 1985. That year she joined the Queensland Family History Society and has held many positions within the society.
Her academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) and Bachelor of Arts (Computer Science) at the University of Queensland and she has completed the Certificate of Genealogical Studies (English Records) with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Though trained as a statistician, she currently works as a part-time consultant for Gould Genealogy & History and Unlock the Past. 

Rosemary’s topics at the ‘Searching for Ancestors family history seminar’ are:
Using Directories & Almanacs for family history - A look at the wide range of directories and almanacs available and why you should use them when compiling your family history.
Tracing your ancestors in England - An overview of basic resources – civil registration, church records, census, cemetery records, directories, elector registers, maps, newspapers and wills - including many examples and covers a variety of ways of accessing the data – free and subscription.

Alan Phillips has been a publisher and re-seller of a wide range of historical and genealogical resources since 1976, trading now as Gould Genealogy & History. Gould Genealogy brought leading publishers from the UK and US to Australia in 2003 for a national roadshow to 6 cities around the country. One result was the establishment of Archive Digital Books Australia, part of an international network of Archive CD Books publishers bringing a wide range of historical resources to researchers, societies and libraries. Alan has spoken widely around Australia and here will be speaking on:
Getting the most from Gould Genealogy and Unlock the Past – Gould & Unlock the Past resources and services for family and local historians.

There will be an exhibition by Gould Genealogy & History, and Unlock the Past, with special offers & prizes, along with opportunities to purchase discounted Gould books and materials.
The seminar is intended for those interested in family or local history - or any form of history; and those who might be encouraged to research and record their personal or family/local history; and writers who are interested in developing more skills and ideas for historical writing.
The Shire of Wimmera honour board in the Conference Room
It will be held on Saturday 31st October 2015 from 9:30am to 4:30pm at the Horsham RSL Conference Room (next to the Horsham Library) 36 McLachlan Street, Horsham. 
Parking is available in the RSL and Mibus Centre carparks. 
The cost will be $20:00 for Advance bookings and $25:00 for bookings made on the day. For the price you get a 2 course lunch at the RSL’s ‘Bistro on McLachlan’, with morning and afternoon tea and a day full of inspiring talks. 
Bookings are essential and need to be made at the Horsham Library, Mibus Centre, 28 McLachlan Street in Horsham. Inquiries: Phone 03 5382 5707.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Archival film launch

The library has been involved in the creation of ‘The Farmer’s Cinematheque’ for some time, and now finally the film is born.
John and Relvy Teasdale were farmers in the Wimmera region of north-western Victoria. Over more than fifty years they created a rich and evocative filmic record of working and community life in their particular dry-land farming district of Rupanyup. For John and Relvy, farming and film-making were an inter-related devotional practice. 
Upon his death ten years ago, John Teasdale left a cupboard full of films that reveal and evoke a rich and nourishing terrain. Spanning five decades from the late 1930s to the late 1980s, the Teasdale films offer views into the psychological, social and economic complexities of a wondrous and sophisticated rural world that on the one hand seems to be disappearing but on the other continues to sustain, adapt and recreate itself. 'The Farmer's Cinematheque' exhumes the Teasdale films from the archive and explores their resonance in the context of a world rapidly changing but connected still to a profound legacy of ideas, desires and rituals.
Set against contemporary footage and embellished with story-telling from members of the Teasdale family and the Wimmera community, the film stimulates thinking about the power of memory and the nature of our attachment to particular country, drawing parallels between Indigenous and settler modes of country-keeping and providing elements of revelation and affirmation about rural life. A meditation on the power of country and also a demonstration, quite literally, of the power of film, Combining sequences from the archive with contemporary footage and voices 'The Farmer's Cinematheque' teases out important questions about our custodianship of places and communities in the context of a rapidly changing global environment. It is a lyrical film about the power of memory, the nature of our attachment to country and the ways in which communities strive to balance change and tradition.
‘The Farmer’s Cinematheque’ has its own website, where you can get a sneak peek at the film trailer. The film is a Reckless Eye Production, written and directed by Malcolm McKinnon and Ross Gibson, with cinematography by Ben Speth, produced by Annie Venables, and music by Chris Abrahams.
The world premiere will be at the 2015 Adelaide Film Festival, on 19th October, and importantly its local screening is a free event on 1st November, in Natimuk, part of the Nati Frinj Biennale.
'Combine Nation' 2004 Space and Place
The Nati Frinj Festival is a bi-annual event with an eclectic mix of programs and performances (one of the most notable has been the pictures and lights projected onto the exterior walls of Natimuk’s railway grain silos).

Wednesday 30 September 2015

HIstory is a story

Welcome to October (at least it is here in Australia), and welcome to our 'History is a story' themed month.
This month we are celebrating history, with a variety of events and displays - more in following posts.
And thanks to author Jackie French for the idea.

Monday 28 September 2015

Only in the Wimmera

“The Dressmaker” film, based on Rosalie Ham’s novel, is scheduled for general theatre release on the 29th October. But prior to the general release there will be a special sneak peek screening of “The Dressmaker” film on Thursday 22nd October 2015 as a fund raiser for the Wimmera Health Care Group Friends of the Foundation. 
 The evening begins with a complimentary drink, finger food and entry to the event at 6.30 pm in the Masonic Hall, Urquhart Street, Horsham then, at 7.30 pm, it will be Question and Answer time with the film’s producer Sue Maslin and the author Rosalie Ham, followed by the movie screening at Horsham Centre Cinema in Pynsent Street.

Limited allocated seating tickets for the event at $45 per person, go on sale first thing on Wednesday 30th September at the Wimmera Mail Times Office in Wilson Street.  
the film trailer
Horsham is fortunate to secure the advance screening, as the film’s producer Sue Maslin was committed to screening the movie in Horsham, as the region supported the film-making process - it was partially shot in the Wimmera, and several Wimmera residents scored roles as extras in the film. 
So get set to journey back to the 50s.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Crafting history

October 2015 is 'History is a story' month at the Library.

We have adopted the theme (thanks Jackie French for the idea) to publicise History Week, by undertaking a number of activities throughout the entire month.

The first activity will be "Crafting your book" using bits n' pieces, scrap, memory objects, etc to create a unique look for your book, journal or album. 
This will be a chance for everyone to think up the perfect cover/holder to showcase your creation, and to get ideas to portray your theme and individualise your project.

The session will be conducted by Christine Gerdtz who has a whole portfolio of crafty items she has created.
"Crafting your book" will be held in the Horsham Library on Thursday 8th October at 1:30pm. Bookings are essential and can be made at the Library.

"Crafting your book" will also be an introduction to the following session "Crafting your story".
"Crafting your story" is about finding sources and inspiration to write your story, journal or book. How to construct the elements of a personable story.
Or if you are uncomfortable actually authoring a story, you may wish to tell a story in pictures, photographs or anecdotes. This is the chance to get ideas on different styles of story creation - maybe your story is a house history or a recipe book?

"Crafting your story" will be held in the Horsham Library on Thursday 15th October at 1:30pm. Bookings are essential and can be made at the Library.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Footy facts

A great entry on the Boyles Football Photos website on local footballer Eric Zschech.
Charles Boyles was a professional photographer in Melbourne who took football photographs - player portraits and team photos, from the 1920s through to the 1960s. Many of these then appeared as collectible cigarette cards.
Eric Zschech was born in Minyip. His parents - Paul Zschech and Laura Peucker - were part of the wave of German migration from South Australia when the Wimmera was opened up for selection. His father was a produce merchant in town.
Eric attended Minyip Primary School till he was 15 years old when he began work at the Minyip Post Office. A keen sportsman, he played football, cricket and tennis for Minyip, during this time he played with and was coached by Roy Cazaly of 'Up there' fame.
After winning the Best & Fairest in 1928, Eric left to work in the telegraph branch of the GPO in Melbourne, and began playing for the Post & Telegraph XVIII, and the Richmond Football Club in 1929.
With Richmond he was part of their Premiership side in 1932 and 1934, he played in the Victorian state side. 
In 1936 Eric moved to Tasmania to become coach for Lefroy Football Club . He played and coached the club till 1939, with a premiership in 1937. He was Best & Fairest in 1936, 1937 and 1939, and played in 2 interstate and 7 inter-league matches.
During World War II Eric joined the R.A.A.F. and was based in Northern Australia. He married Dorothy Anderson in 1945.
In 1946 Eric was playing for Sandy Bay when they won their inaugural premiership. The next year he transferred to Snug as coach. Eric was inducted into the Tasmanian Football Hall of Fame in 2005. 
Eric Zschech died in 1981 and is buried in the Fawkner Cemetery. The full story is in "Eric Zschech : the Minyip Tiger".

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Lost in the Bush - Weekend in the Wimmera

On the weekend of 15th-16th August, the Lost in the Bush Weekend in the Wimmera will celebrate the unique collaboration between the early settlers and the three Aboriginal trackers who found the Cooper-Duff children. 
 Visitors are invited to participate in a heritage based pilgrimage following the extensions of the story as it draws people deep into the heart of the Wotjobaluk country.  
Some of the activities include:
A Winter Campfire & Acoustic Night with local musicians and poets entertaining campers & visitors at the Jane Duff Memorial site on Saturday evening  from 6pm (bring your own sausages & marshmallows)  
The inaugural 'McCartney's Ride' re-enactment. A small group of riders are celebrating Peter McCartney's overnight ride to fetch the trackers from Mt Elgin. The riders will reach the Jane Duff Memorial site in time for the Sepia Picnic on Sunday at 12:30pm. 
The Sepia Picnic & Bush Activities involves billy tea ,stew and damper around a campfire in the scrub where the Duff children were lost (period dress is optional) on Sunday from 12:30-3:30pm.  
The Duffholme Museum and replica Duff hut will be open from 10am-4pm on Saturday & Sunday.    

The Horsham & District Historical Society will be open on Saturday 10am-1pm with a visual display of photos & museum pieces, the new 'Horsham's Then & Now' exhibition, and  Lost in the Bush items. 
A Wudjubalug Survival in the Bush experience - Barengi Gadjin Land Council guides will conduct a bush tucker & medicine walk, based on age old traditions, at Mt Arapiles on Saturday 1:30-3:30pm.
Full details and registration forms at the Lost in the Bush website.
 A weekend to truly lose yourself in the beauty and stories of the Wimmera region.

Monday 27 July 2015

Treasure trove of the Wimmera

Good news on the 'Wimmera in Photographs' front.

The photographs in the collection have been available on the library's website from September 2014, well now they are also available on 'Trove'.
The National Library of Australia's 'Trove' brings together online resources, books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives and more from Australian libraries, museums, archives and other research organisations.
The people at the National Library are now harvesting the data from our 'Wimmera in Photographs' and displaying it on Trove, so we are up there with the collections of the likes of the Australian War Memorial, Museum Victoria, and the National Archives. 
To search for the 'Wimmera in Photographs' Collection on the Trove site  - narrow your search to the Pictures, photos, objects tab and type in "Wimmera Regional Library Corporation" in the search box then click on the Search button.


Thursday 23 July 2015

Battling on the land

Victoria sent about 90,000 men and women to serve overseas in the First World War, about 70,000 of whom survived to return home. As the war continued, the issue of repatriating returning soldiers became increasingly urgent.  As well as providing War pensions and other financial assistance, State governments of the time set up ‘settlement’ schemes to support returning soldiers with work. These schemes involved subdividing large rural estates into smaller farming blocks and leasing them back to discharged service-people. In Victoria around 11,000 farms were created.
The Public Record Office Victoria have digitised selected documents from Victorian Government files kept on returned World War One soldiers who were approved to lease a block of farming land in Victoria. They are presented online as “Battle to farm : World War One Soldier Settlement records in Victoria”. These government records will help family and Australian history researchers understand the individual experience of a soldier settler, as well as the historical context of the Victorian Soldier Settlement Scheme.

There are also 6 "Soldiers' Stories" with photos and video, in addition to the paper files.
William & Rebecca
One of these is William Edward Bradshaw, who was born at Clarendon near Ballarat on 5th  June 1888. In his teen he worked as a telegram boy in Ballarat.
William married Rebecca Ralston on 21st April 1917. Their children were Edward, Shirley, Evelyn, Alfred, Dorothy (died at birth), William (died at 6 months), and William.
William enlisted with the Australian infantry in 1917 and fought in the battle of the Somme in France from 1917 until 1918. A qualified engineer before the war, he was recruited to work as a signaller or ‘sapper’ on the battlefields. Signallers were required to be proficient in morse-code signalling on flag, lamp and heliograph, as well as in map reading (note the flag patch on his right forearm). 
William had ambitions to be a farmer on his return to Australia and leased a soldier settler block at Wallaloo on the Avon Plains near St Arnaud in 1920. 
Things didn’t go as planned, despite working on a pretty good block he sold his lease. On a good year he harvested 930 bags of wheat and 800 bags of oats. Working two teams of eight horses left him physically incapacitated, and as a sufferer of acute neuritis by 1924 he had to abandon the land, and sell in November 1924.
The farmhouse at Wallaloo
William might have held onto the farm if he could have afforded to hire labour during his recovery. The costs and the poor timing of this farming scheme meant many farmers couldn’t make it work. The government’s large-scale purchase of land had inflated prices, which inflated the repayments on the leases soldier settlers signed. As the war ended the world-wide supply of agricultural goods and labour increased and therefore the value of the soldier’s investment in land and stock started to fall. Soldier settlers frequently became deeply in debt to stores and suppliers as well as to the government. William’s wheat, which in 1919 would have sold for 7.5 shillings, by 1929 was selling for 3.17 shillings. As the Great Depression set in, the value of all agricultural capital acquired by soldier-settlers was greatly diminished, and was often worth less than half its purchase value in 1929.
William’s story is one of thousands of cases whereby the blocks were transferred to other leaseholders due to either ill health or poor financial returns.
William died of pneumonia in Queensland on 7th August 1935.
William’s story is just one from the PROV site.
You can access the individual records of thousands of  World War One returned soldiers who leased farming land across Victoria between 1919 and 1935. Enter a settler’s name in the search box or search by geographic location through the digital map, to zoom to parts of Victoria and click on a name to access their digitised official settlement record files.
The Bradshaws on the verandah

Monday 13 July 2015

History skills

Good to see history seminars and workshops being run locally.
Deep Lead's Pioneer Memorial
 Royal Historical Society Victoria have "A day of practical skills development" on offer at Stawell.
 The seminar covers: 
  • 'Web development' - sharing, engaging & building your community in the virtual world
  • 'Aboriginal history' - how to write an Aboriginal history & its challenges
  • 'Aboriginal heritage' - managing & promoting Victoria's Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • 'Protecting heritage places' - protecting, managing & adapting significant sites
  • 'Facebook' - building your society membership via your Facebook presence 
    Lock-up at Great Western
    The seminar will be held in the old Shire of Stawell Hall on the Western Highway at Stawell West (next to the Stawell Historical Society building), on Saturday 8th August from 9:30am to 3:15pm.
  • The $15 cost covers morning tea and a light lunch. To book email or Phone 03 9326 9288.
Rock art Bunjil shelter, Black Range

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Patching Patche

Great news this week that VicTrack's Heritage Program will be funding the repair of Patchewollock and Kaniva railway station buildings.
Patchewollock - end of the line
The very dilapidated Patchewollock station building will be re-clad, the roof and walls repaired and painted and new guttering and downpipes installed. The Goods Shed will be restored by re-stumping, painting, new guttering and downpipes and structural repairs.
Kaniva's Goods Shed from the station platform
The work on Kaniva's station building and goods shed will commence shortly.
Donald-based heritage restoration firm Onley's Holdings will undertake the task. 

Below: The Patche line still open in 1966, taken from Nick Anchen's 'The right way, the wrong way & the railway : great Victorian railway stories'. It includes a story of crews battling through sand drifts to reach the remote Patchewollock terminus, passing families along the line, who would stop the train in the middle of nowhere, by waving a lantern, to receive their provisions.

Friday 5 June 2015

Into the land of the Lowan

Its time for another 'Wimmera  in Photographs' Collection Day.
This time it will be held in the Hindmarsh Shire. The Shire covers the pre-amalgamation area covered by the Dimboola and Lowan Shires - in the south from the Wimmera River north to Lake Albacutya and west beyond Nhill - so a fertile area for historic photographs.
The abandoned Detpa Store, adjacent to the railway station
Some of the pastoral stations established in the region were: Albacutya in 1848, Horatio Cockburn Ellerman at Antwerp in 1847, Ballarook from 1847, Lake Hindmarsh (Pine Hills & Tullyvea) to Stieglitz in 1847, Lorquon in 1851, Mt Elgin and its subdivision Lawloit, Nhill in 1847, Upper Regions (Bonegar & Lochiel) in 1848, Woraigworm in 1849, and Yanac-A-Yanac in 1847...over 160 years of history.
As well there have been some significant events - the 1897 storm which nearly flattened Nhill; Big Lizzie's traverse from Outlet Creek along the west shore of Lake Hindmarsh and through the eastern Little Desert; the RAAF base at Nhill in World War 2 - all great photo opportunities, and hopeful there might be some prints or negatives show up during the Collection Day.
Interior of the Woorak West Methodist Church, built in 1886
The Collection Day is Friday 12th June at the Dimboola Library from 10am to 12:30pm then the Nhill Library from 2pm to 5pm.People with historic photos, negatives, and/or slides are encouraged to bring them for scanning. Appointments are necessary. To book, call in at Dimboola Library Phone: 5389 1734 or Nhill Library Phone: 5391 1684.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Honour Roll launch

A momentous day for the Library today, with the launch of the 2015 Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll road show in the Horsham Library.
Standing: Emma Kealy (Member for Lowan), Aunty Nancy. Front: Cr Mark Radford (Horsham City Mayor),  Uncle Kevin (holding the Honour Roll book), Minister Natalie Hutchins
 After a Welcome To Country speech by Aunty Nancy Harrison from the Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Co-operative, the Hon Natalie Hutchins MP (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Industrial Relations), introduced Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll inductee Uncle Kevin Coombs OAM.
Along with Lester Marks Harradine and Johnny Mullagh, Uncle Kevin Coombs OAM is one of three Aboriginal people from the Wimmera region to have been inducted to the Honour Roll. He was inducted in 2012, now one of 64 people to have been honoured.
A Wotjobaluk Elder, Uncle Kevin's ancestors lived on the Ebenezer Mission station at Antwerp. Kevin was born at Swan Hill. He became a champion wheelchair basketballer and Australia's first Aboriginal Paralympian in Rome in 1960. Over the next twenty years he went on to represent Australia at another four Paralympics. He also won gold medals for Australia at the Far Eastern South Pacific Games in 1977 and 1984.
Back: Emma Kealy MP, Aunty Nancy, Cr Leo Tellefson (WRLC Chairman). Front: Cr Mark Radford, Uncle Kevin, Natalie Hutchins MP.
Among his many achievements and honours Kevin has received the medal for the Order of Australia, an Australian Sports Medal, induction to the Basketball Hall of Fame, a Deadly lifetime achievement award and a NAIDOC award. Most recently he was inducted to the Australian Basketball Wall of Fame.
Today he is known across Victoria for his work in Aboriginal health and justice. He is a patron of the Onemda Koori Health Unit at Melbourne University and sits as an Elder on the Broadmeadows Koori Court and the Children's Koori Court.
The Honour Roll book and exhibition will remain on display at the Horsham Library until 11th June.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Honouring Lester

The 'Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll' is coming to the Horsham Library.
The Honour Roll recognises the many and varied contributions of Aboriginal people to the identity of Victoria.
Another local Honour Roll inductee is Lester Marks Harradine. A Wotjobaluk Elder who lived at Dimboola, Lester was a sportsman, a train driver and a returned serviceman.
Though he was born in Bordertown, his family had a long association with the Ebenezer Mission Station at Antwerp. Lester was only 8 months old when brought to Dimboola in 1920 to be raised by his aunt. He attended school at Dimboola and Lillimur, and was aged 13 when he left to work on the commercial vegetable gardens that lined the Wimmera River during the Depression.
With the outbreak of the Second World War, Lester enlisted with the 19th Machine Gun Regiment and was transferred to Darwin. He was there when the Japanese bombed the town in 1942. By the end of the war he was stationed at Tarakan in Borneo. After the war Lester became  member of the R.S.L. and was actively involved through Legacy with supporting local war widows. Lester married Leila in 1958 and they had 4 children, he was employed by Victorian Railways where he got his driver's certificate in 1951 and worked until retirement in 1980. Lester died in 2010.

Lester was heavily involved in sport with the Dimboola Football Club, Wimmera Football League, Dimboola Bowling Club, and fire brigade competitions.
A keen cyclist he would ride from, Dimboola to Lillimur to visit family (a 175km round trip).
 In 2010 the Wimmera Football League granted Lester 'Legend' status, he had played for Dimboola in the 40s, 50s and 60s, including 2 senior premierships in 1946 and 1959, as well as a number of Reserves premierships in the 1960s. The Lester Marks Harradine Medal is awarded to the best & fairest in the Indigenous Recognition round.

In his later years, Lester shared the stories and the culture of his ancestors with talks to school children, tours of Ebenezer. and donations to the Dimboola Historical Society. He played a key role in the recognition of native title in the Wimmera. Lester was induced into the Honour Roll posthumously in 2012.

The Aboriginal Honour Roll will be launched in the Horsham Library on 4th June at 11am, and will be on display in the Library until the 11th.