Thursday 1 November 2012

Halls at home

Home is Where the Hall is is a grassroots, community arts initiative produced by Regional Arts Victoria.
During the month of November halls across regional Victoria will be presenting a range of activities, selected and designed by the local community.

The Hopetoun Town Hall built in 1922

2011 signalled the inaugural event, and during the month of November that year over 70 halls from Emu to Mollyulah presented a huge range of activities, selected and designed by the local community, from bake-offs to dance competitions, photography exhibitions to film nights.
Events this year will be held  from 1st to 30th November, they can be used as a fundraiser, to attract new committee members, to support local artists and performers, or to connect with other halls across Victoria.
The Langkoop Hall rebuilt after the 1951 bushfire
St Arnaud Town Hall opened in 1870, the WWI Memorial was added in 1928, and an extension in 1935
Stawell Town Hall complete with clock and Westminster chimes
 Home is Where the Hall is will be a fantastic and fun way to celebrate these vital community hubs.

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