Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dimboola weir

Dimboola's orginal weir on the Wimmera River was a timber structure. In the late 60’s the Rural Water Commission recommended that the existing structure be replaced by a concrete weir. This reconstruction was undertaken in 1975. It saw a number of floods including the 1981 flood.
Then in January this year, a major one hit the Wimmera and Dimboola. Hundreds of volunteers and 20,000 odd sandbags limited the inundation, but some homes and the weir suffered at the flood peak. A large amount of debris and tree limbs smashed into the weir and a section of the south bank of the river gave way, taking a large portion of the carpark with it.

The river level has dropped since and damage sustained by the weir and river bank is clearly evident. (My photos taken 17.4.2011)

A temporary sandbag leeve has lifted the river level in Dimboola to allow investigative work by GWM Water consultants. GWM Water (as the owner) is in discussions with its insurers for funding for restoration works, and options to alleviate any possible future failings to the embankment.
The operators of the weir, the Hindmarsh Shire, are seeking money from the Natural Disaster Fund to repair the damage to the weir, but restoration would take several months.

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